
04 September 2011

flowers for bruce

yesterday my friend kyo helped throw a wonderful shower for our friend maggie, who will be having a baby boy later this fall. kyo asked me to put together some flowers for the shower, and of course i obliged! while shopping, i was secretly wishing that maggie was having a girl because of all of the beautiful pink garden roses that were out and i was dying to buy, but in the end i was really happy with the flowers that i did buy. i got the last bundle of tweedia from and i think it was the perfect little boy touch. i'd also like to add that the white dahlias were absolute perfection. 
here are a few images of what i put together...

....everyone, meet bruce... we can't wait for you to come!!


  1. LA the flowers were beautiful!! i know what you mean about the having a girl though... girl baby stuff is definitely cuter than boy stuff too :) thanks so much for putting the flowers together!

  2. Leeanne you are so great at flower arranging!!!! Those look awesome!
