yesterday at work, right before i packed up for the day, i got a super fun package delivered to my desk. i'd ordered a new pair of glasses from warby parker last weekend and they came way faster than i thought they would!
these are the specs that i decided on, and i already love them!
i could not say too many good things about warby parker - their frame selection is super cool! they will let you choose 5 pairs to have sent to your home for 5 days to try out and gather opinions before you send them back.... all for free! once you do decide on a pair, they're only $95, including lenses! (unless you're blind like me, but it's a pretty small fee for an upgrade to higher strength prescriptions.) shipping and returns are free! and for each pair you buy, they donate a pair to someone in need! also, for the dudes, you can order a monocle!... i really appreciate all of the really great packaging and collateral design. all in all, they just get what makes it easy and pleasant to choose a pair of glasses!
this is super cool LA! i didn't realize they were so reasonably priced... perhaps i'll try them out if i want to change up my frames.