
30 March 2009

un sedicesimo

> Salve, mi dia un decimetro…
> Un decimetro di che…?
> Ah, va bene, allora mi dia un ettolitro…
> Ma un ettolitro di cosa…?
> Allora mi dia un sedicesimo!
> Ah, quello ce l’ho!
> Grazie.
> Grazie e arrivederci.

"Un Sedicesimo is a typographical measure: a sixteen-pages-binding, but is also a magazine!

Seventeen centimetres width for twentyfour height.

But it’s not a traditional magazine, it hasn’t got an editorial office nor a subject nor a fixed design.

Each issue has a different author, whose job is to create a sixteen-pages-long project.

Un Sedicesimo will be a magazine different at each time, from the headline to the colophon.
It will become a sort of gallery on paper, which proposes a new personal exhibition every two months, six times a year.

In short, it’s not about speaking of graphics, but making it.

Un Sedicesimo starts with many authors ready to go: Steven Guarnaccia, Moreno Gentili, Martí Guixé, Leonardo Sonnoli, Francesco Dondina, Federico Maggioni, Daniel Eatock, Paul Cox, Italo Lupi, Massimo Pitis, Gianluigi Toccafondo, Giulio Iacchetti, Gianluigi Colin and other artists, graphic designers, illustrators, students (why not?), writers and cooks too."

here are some images from louisa fili and steven heller's

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