> Salve, mi dia un decimetro…
> Un decimetro di che…?
> Ah, va bene, allora mi dia un ettolitro…
> Ma un ettolitro di cosa…?
> Allora mi dia un sedicesimo!
> Ah, quello ce l’ho!
> Grazie.
> Grazie e arrivederci.
"Un Sedicesimo is a typographical measure: a sixteen-pages-binding, but is also a magazine!
Seventeen centimetres width for twentyfour height.
But it’s not a traditional magazine, it hasn’t got an editorial office nor a subject nor a fixed design.
Each issue has a different author, whose job is to create a sixteen-pages-long project.
Un Sedicesimo will be a magazine different at each time, from the headline to the colophon.
It will become a sort of gallery on paper, which proposes a new personal exhibition every two months, six times a year.
In short, it’s not about speaking of graphics, but making it.
Un Sedicesimo starts with many authors ready to go: Steven Guarnaccia, Moreno Gentili, Martà Guixé, Leonardo Sonnoli, Francesco Dondina, Federico Maggioni, Daniel Eatock, Paul Cox, Italo Lupi, Massimo Pitis, Gianluigi Toccafondo, Giulio Iacchetti, Gianluigi Colin and other artists, graphic designers, illustrators, students (why not?), writers and cooks too."
here are some images from louisa fili and steven heller's
30 March 2009
louisa fili's new website
one of my favorite designers, louisa fili has a new website with a BLOG too...i have all the time been looking for a blog by her
it is beautiful, i love the hand lettering for her new logo
click here to visit
it is beautiful, i love the hand lettering for her new logo
click here to visit
28 March 2009
so freaking cute
27 March 2009
kathleen's portraits
kathleen is going to be in the miss dogwood pageant this weekend...jeff here at work did these portrait shots of her this weekend at the botanical gardens for her submission to the pageant...they turned out great
willoughby is a great design firm based in kansas city
i just discovered their new identity, using strathmore script on felt and wire, which is oh so nice
i just discovered their new identity, using strathmore script on felt and wire, which is oh so nice
i came across this today while on design freebies, this is a promtional from mohawk's strathmore paper line...i used strathmore on my senior thesis...so i am going to print some of these ont the left over paper i have at home
click here to download you aerograms and here to learn more about the strathmore line
from felt and wire
"Aerograms were very popular in the 1940s and 50s, when mail delivery by air was new. The aerogram format combined envelope and notesheet {and sometimes pre-printed postage} on a single piece of lightweight paper. Today, this “onesie” construction may be ripe for a stylish and sustainable comeback.
Announcing The Aerogram-a-rama! Herewith your very own pdf {Pretty Darn Fancy} containing three aerogram templates. Each one can be printed out on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of Strathmore paper. It’s not homework, it’s an opportunity. Trim it out, fold it up, embellish to taste, and send it to Felt & Wire by April 22. We will publish our favorites on May 1. Now then: The first 10 readers to leave a comment will promptly receive a Spring Sampler of sheets ideally suited for this very purpose {including the Editor’s personal favorite, Soft Aqua}. What Strathmore could you ask?
By the way, I bought the 1947 aerogram (shown above & below) last week, from a collection my stamp dealer in Napa had recently acquired. You can see many collections of vintage aerograms online. During WWII, Victory Mail provided an emotional lifeline from the homefront to the battlefront. V-Mail allowed the troops and their loved ones to put their hearts and hopes on paper… and have them whisked overseas. A 2-minute 1944 newsreel shows the logistics of the mass-scale micro-filming. On a lighter note, Queen Elizabeth’s coronation was postally commemorated on aerograms and stamps. A grand cancellation proclaimed: Long live the Queen."
click here to download you aerograms and here to learn more about the strathmore line
from felt and wire
"Aerograms were very popular in the 1940s and 50s, when mail delivery by air was new. The aerogram format combined envelope and notesheet {and sometimes pre-printed postage} on a single piece of lightweight paper. Today, this “onesie” construction may be ripe for a stylish and sustainable comeback.
Announcing The Aerogram-a-rama! Herewith your very own pdf {Pretty Darn Fancy} containing three aerogram templates. Each one can be printed out on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of Strathmore paper. It’s not homework, it’s an opportunity. Trim it out, fold it up, embellish to taste, and send it to Felt & Wire by April 22. We will publish our favorites on May 1. Now then: The first 10 readers to leave a comment will promptly receive a Spring Sampler of sheets ideally suited for this very purpose {including the Editor’s personal favorite, Soft Aqua}. What Strathmore could you ask?
By the way, I bought the 1947 aerogram (shown above & below) last week, from a collection my stamp dealer in Napa had recently acquired. You can see many collections of vintage aerograms online. During WWII, Victory Mail provided an emotional lifeline from the homefront to the battlefront. V-Mail allowed the troops and their loved ones to put their hearts and hopes on paper… and have them whisked overseas. A 2-minute 1944 newsreel shows the logistics of the mass-scale micro-filming. On a lighter note, Queen Elizabeth’s coronation was postally commemorated on aerograms and stamps. A grand cancellation proclaimed: Long live the Queen."
17 March 2009
haus maus
what a funny coincidence...this girl holly has a blog called haus maus (i did a project in school called maushaus and as many of you know i have a admiration for the little creatures)...holly lives splits time between germany and new hampshire
here is a link to her blog, and there are so many beautiful things on it
here are a few select pics i pulled
here is a link to her blog, and there are so many beautiful things on it
here are a few select pics i pulled
16 March 2009
i couldn't resist. for some reason i think this website is hysterical. seriously - actual scans of people's actual lunches.
i don't even want to think about what these scanners looked like after the sandwiches got a hold of them, though...
i found it on a cup of jo
b'day card cupcake bonanza
so several (5 to be exact) of my favorite friends/sister have birthdays at the end of february and beginning of march. and instead of buying expensive letterpressed cards from my favorite store paper presentation like i usually do, i had this idea for a card i could make them... i bought a little bundle of quilting fabric scraps from purl patchwork, and got to stitchin'.
now that all of the birthdays are over and the cards are no longer a surprise, i can post them here! - so... a(nother) happy birthday to meagan, carrie, megan, nicole, and daniela!!
(i apologize again for the horrible photography.... it's really hard to find a decent place to shoot anything in this tiny sardine-sized apartment...)