
22 January 2009

social stationery :: nancy sharons collins stationer

while doing some research today, i came across this lady...her title "stationer" intrigued i began to here to visit her website...then her website led me to the website of an exclusive shop in new york city owned by a man from alabama...abingdon 12...he sells her stationery along with many other is what his site says about social stationery

"The exquisite work of stationer Nancy Sharon Collins is available for sale in the shop, and samples of her work, including complete explanation of the process of ordering personalized hand engraved social stationery, is available by drop-in or, preferably, by appointment. Clients’ ideas and samples of favorite pieces are welcomed. It is an intimate process facilitated by Paul Caddell and executed by Nancy Sharon Collins.

There was a time when every decent sized town in America had at least one stationer. It was from the stationer that one might exact the correct protocol for every important event in life. Traditionally, social stationery was engraved.

Time has not been kind to these artisans. So few of them remain – but elegance does.

The act of writing a note on bespoke, hand-engraved stationery is a warm haven in an otherwise cold and impersonal age. The mission of Nancy Sharon Collins, Stationer, is to keep hand engraved social stationery – and its purpose alive and vital.

The letter papers from Nancy Sharon Collins, Stationer, are engraved by hand the old fashioned way. Mrs. Collins' personal preference tends toward the 1920s, 30s and 40s, styles for which she has become well known. Ink colors are mixed by hand and papers are sourced from around the world. Bordering and gilded edging, too, is custom and by hand.

Nancy Sharon Collins bends to neither fad nor fashion although she has influenced many trends.

She beautifully transforms a sophisticated process into modern and unusual results. It really must be seen to appreciate."

click here to read nancy's blog...with many tips and readings on printing and paper and such...i hope that i might get to here this lady talk one day...her lecture at the latest typecon confrence was called "etiquette and typography"

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